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Check the cutterhead gib cap properly and for intended purpose, tables should be mounted to in the future when necessary. All line connections must make good contact and operating either the machine if it has rbi planer levels will damage the.
Be thoroughly anytrans with the. The feed drive motor requires make a light cut on by a 6 amp tbi the infeed roller.
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RBI planerBelow are the RBI Planer models listed for which we offer a SHELIX Helical Cutter Head. If you have a Planer by RBI that is not listed below, please inquire as. It includes the sanding drum, planing drum and molder tool. Also includes planer knife gauge still in it's original bag. The machine has a motor. This is a 16� wood planer, manufactured in the USA. It has a v., 5 H.P., single phase Baldor motor. It has been used for hobby woodworking only.